One of the best parts about this job is all the talented and created people we get to meet. Christine Real is one of them. She recently purchased a Clip it Up and generously sent me pictures so we could share her scrapbook room and thoughts with you.

Bio: Married for 31 years to my high school sweetheart, two kids, Kelly is 28 a elementary school librarian and Brian is 26 and also a librarian at our local library! I am retired on disability from the Census Bureau, I have something called Meniere's Disease, ever heard of it? Don't worry, most people haven't. I get severe bouts of vertigo. Don't like to talk about it much, just try to get through it and go on! I have also started fostering dogs in my home for the local dog shelter, I really enjoy doing that, even though it is sometimes hard to say goodbye to the dogs when they leave.

"This is a dream come true for me! I have wanted one for so long. I thought about making a homemade one and I looked at them here on, but this was on sale and then I had a $10 coupon, so I decided to go with the "real thing" I'm glad I did! It was so easy to put together! I put it together myself (usually wait for hubby to do that sort of thing) very easy instructions, took just minutes and the clips are very strong. I know this is a good investment in my scrapbook room that will last for years. I'm going to put everything else on my wish-list so the hubby and kids can get it for me for birthdays and Christmas!"

"Here is the Clip-It-Up in my scrapbook room, see what a small space it takes up? I am a very 'hands on person' I like to be able to see my stuff while I am working. I hate it when I finish a layout and then find an embellishment that would have been perfect. This gives me a place to store everything at my fingertips. When I was hanging things on it, I discovered things that i didn't know I had!"
Christine- thanks so much for sharing with us!!!
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