We decided this year not to display at CHA Summer because we went to the National Stationery Show in New York and we’re attending the International Quilt Show in Houston in Oct. So Carolyn and I put on our walking shoes and walked the show. I also invited a good friend of mine, Dean to come and walk the show with us. I need to do a new booth and I wanted his help so I wanted him to get a feel for what goes on at these shows.
Thanks Dean for all your help!
I have to say – it was so nice to have time to stop and visit with people and not have the stress of decorating a booth, being in an “extreme tired state” from all the preparations before the show, and having to stay in your own booth to talk to everyone. If you’ve never experienced getting ready for one of these big shows, trust me…it’s a ton of work!!!!
From the time we landed in Florida, everywhere we went, we ran into wonderful, nice, friendly people! That’s what I love about this industry! On our shuttle we were riding with four other women and a young couple. As we started talking, all of us were there for CHA except for the young couple. They probably thought, “oh no, were trapped in a van filled with crazy scrapbooking women!” as we talked about blogs, twitter, etc. What a great way to pass the time from the airport.
I have to say – it was so nice to have time to stop and visit with people and not have the stress of decorating a booth, being in an “extreme tired state” from all the preparations before the show, and having to stay in your own booth to talk to everyone. If you’ve never experienced getting ready for one of these big shows, trust me…it’s a ton of work!!!!
From the time we landed in Florida, everywhere we went, we ran into wonderful, nice, friendly people! That’s what I love about this industry! On our shuttle we were riding with four other women and a young couple. As we started talking, all of us were there for CHA except for the young couple. They probably thought, “oh no, were trapped in a van filled with crazy scrapbooking women!” as we talked about blogs, twitter, etc. What a great way to pass the time from the airport.
We stopped and visited with my friend Diane Schultz from Graphic 45. Not only is she incredibly talented, she is just the sweetest lady I know! It is fun to have some “creative” friends to bounce ideas off of and help each other out! Her products are so awesome and beautiful…just like Diane! We love displaying her products because everyone loves them! (gotta love the humidity when you have curly hair…bad hair days everyday)
This is Renee (great name) who designs for My Little Yellow Bicycle! LYB has been so generous with sending us product to display on our new products! Thanks for working with us to make our products look great! We love everything you’re doing!!!

It was a smaller, slower show, but it also allowed you the opportunity to really look at the products and not feel like you had to rush in order to see everything. I feel like we made some new friends, connections and had a great time!
I really appreciate Carolyn for all her help with the shows and being not only my favorite baby sister, but a great friend to travel with! Thanks!!! Enjoying the outdoors while waiting for our food after a long day of walking!
I took this picture of Carolyn at the airport. On one of our trips to Chicago, we found these great lightweight suitcases and really regretted not getting them. Well, we later found them and ordered one for each of us. They are sooo cute! They are black with white polka-dots, so they are easy to spot in the luggage turnstiles and people stop us and ask where we got them all the time. Because there are always things we need to throw in at the last minute, our bags are usually heavy (and I’m getting really good at just making it under the 50 lbs. barely)! I found these really cute luggage tags that are pink and white polka-dots with the saying, “Packing light is so last year!” That’s what Carolyn is holding in the picture, I know you can’t really read it, but Carolyn looks darling and you can see our cute bags!
Thanks for letting me share and I’m sorry I’m slow, but I’ve found life is an adventure, and some paths take us longer than others and I feel like I’m going down several all at once, and trying to get them to all merge is a challenge! I guess that’s what makes it an adventure!!!
We are excited to have 4 new designers for us this year. Two of them were at the show and we met to have lunch together and get to know each other in person! I had met Susan at one of the first shows I ever did, so it was fun to visit with her and hear about her crazy life with moving, etc. I love Susan because she is so fun and positive and is a hoot! Danielle, it was fun meeting you! Thanks for joining our crazy group and letting us get to know you better! Both of you do amazing work!
I also wanted to thank Jan and Don LaNoy from BoBunny who spent time talking to us about booth building and design. I appreciate their friendship and also the great products they’ve sent to us for our displays. I also appreciate Jan’s wisdom and advice she’s given me as I try and figure this business stuff out. Sorry – didn’t get a picture of their booth, but they were “hopping” busy at the show. With the great products they have – they deserve to be busy!
It was a smaller, slower show, but it also allowed you the opportunity to really look at the products and not feel like you had to rush in order to see everything. I feel like we made some new friends, connections and had a great time!
Thanks for letting me share and I’m sorry I’m slow, but I’ve found life is an adventure, and some paths take us longer than others and I feel like I’m going down several all at once, and trying to get them to all merge is a challenge! I guess that’s what makes it an adventure!!!
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