Just a glimpse of what was happening every night after we’d get back into our hotel room…
Bobbi (the newlywed) would be talking to Nate and feeling sad for being apart from one another. Didn’t want her picture taken, but oh well!
Carolyn would be talking to Steve (her boyfriend) and would hide under the covers so she could hear him better and we couldn’t hear her. I took a couple of pictures of her under the covers, so she poked her head out for this one.
Kathy and I would work on the finishing touches for our hats. Bobbi and Carolyn would laugh at us cause they thought we were spending way to much time on them, but for Kathy and I - that’s what we enjoy… creating!

I can tell you this – I had my picture taken more on Halloween than I had all year! We’d be walking and people would stop us and take pictures, come in our booth for pictures and we found that people from other countries were fascinated and wanted to pose with us for pictures. The man across from us said he was going to dress up after seeing all the people who came in our booth. We had a man from India, several people from throughout Europe, Australia, and the good old USA! We had a great day and it was fun to visit with everyone.
My back side – thanks!

Kathy was thrilled to meet the authors of her favorite books!

We’re off to see the Wizard…

Elinor Bailey (shown below) – my sister-in-law was the one who encouraged Elinor to start making her dolls. We met last year and she loved that we dressed up and our outfits. We loved her outfit - the hat, her earrings that she made, and everything about this icon in the doll-making world!

We had to get both sides of her hat so you could see her different earrings that she made!

What a truly fun, unique, happy, creative lady! We love you Elinor!
When we got to the restaurant at the hotel (too tired to go anywhere else) we were greeted with clapping and cheering because of our costumes! Kind of dark to take pictures, but at least you can see Carolyn’s feathers were really purple!

Elinor brought Maggie Winfield (what a fun outfit and an adorable talented lady) back with her to see our products and to meet us. Sorry, Elinor – got you with your eyes closed!
Take-down! Everyone’s favorite part - NOT! I always joke that you feel like circus people – fly in, set-up, do the show, take down and move on to the next city! The best part of take-down is that it goes 10o times faster than setting up! Beth from LizzieBCre8tive LOVED my shopping cart chair and chain-linked fence table. She’s a junker also, and had the picture of our chair on her phone since last year! She came back at the end of the show and asked if I was interested in selling them. Since we are changing our booth for next year, and I LOVE them, but don’t have any place to put them in my new room or house, I made her day and sold them to her. Talk about a happy lady! Beth, I’m grateful a fellow junker who appreciates the finer things in life will be able to enjoy the chair and table. It was hard for me to let them go – but I know their in good hands and someone who truly appreciate their uniqueness!
Bobbi and Carolyn hard at work!
Carolyn and Kathy showing off their strength! Kathy realized she forgot her PJ’s so Carolyn let her wear Steve’s T-shirt that she had brought. Since Steve has the “big” muscles – they decided to give him a big muscle “thank-you!” You know, after several days of working hard – we’d get a little silly at night!
I would like to give a HUGE thanks to Bobbi, Carolyn and Kathy for all their hard work, the giggles, their support in making everything work, dressing up, goofing around, and just being there to help Simply Renee be as successful as it is! I appreciate their friendship and their love!